
The information below represents current procurement solicitations (IFB, RFP, etc.) offered by Transdev. and is intended to assist bidders/proposers to identify potential procurement opportunities.

Please read all instructions carefully to ensure your firm can comply with the requirements before you respond to any particular solicitation.



“ADVANCE NOTICE” OF A NICE Bus Battery Electric Bus Charging Station and Canopy Structure FOR AN UPCOMING INVITATION FOR BID

(IFB) IFB No. V-2365
Category: Construction
Organization: Transdev Services, Inc. d/b/a NICE
Bus Delivery Location: 650 Commercial Avenue, Garden City, New York.

Transdev Services, Inc. doing business as Nassau Inter-County Express (NICE Bus) will soon be soliciting firm-fixed price bids from responsible firms for a Bus Battery Electric Bus Charging Station and Canopy Structure at 650 Commercial Avenue at in Garden City, NY. A contract will be awarded to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder and prices shall remain firm throughout the contract term.


We will hold a non-mandatory Pre-Bid Conference and site tour on a date (TBD; January or February 2025) at 700 Commercial Avenue, Garden City, New York. All bidders are encouraged to participate.

We must receive Sealed Bids before the IFB due date and time (TBD) by NICE Bus at 700 Commercial Avenue, Garden City, New York 11530. Sealed Bids will be publicly opened at 10:05 A.M. ET on the same date (TBD) and at same location.

Additional information will be posted in January/February 2025 wherein interested bidders can request in writing, a copy of the IFB Documents from the NICE Bus Contracts Manager: Kristin Dilena @

Funding support for this project is provided through a financial grant from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). In accordance with 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 26, participation Disadvantage Business Enterprises (DBE) in all aspects of this federally funded contract will be encouraged and supported.
Offerors are encouraged to utilize the services of minority and DBE-owned banks, and other financial institutions, when such institutions are available. Information about such institutions owned and controlled by economically and socially disadvantaged individuals can be requested from the Director of Special Projects, Nassau County Office of Minority Affairs, at One West Street, Third Floor, Mineola, NY 11501 offices.


RFQ No. V-2375
Category: Miscellaneous
Organization: Transdev Services, Inc. d/b/a NICE Bus
Delivery Location: 700 Commercial Ave, Garden City, New York.
RFQ Due Date and Time: 3/5/25 @11 AM ET

Transdev Services, Inc. doing business as Nassau Inter-County Express (NICE Bus) is soliciting a firm fixed price quotation to obtain and deliver fifty-four (54) Desktop Workstations and twenty (20) Monitors to NICE Bus @700 Commercial Ave., Garden City, NY 11530.

A Contract will be awarded to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder and prices shall remain firm throughout the contract term - up to four (4) months from date of Contract Award.

Interested bidders should request, in writing, a copy of the RFQ Documents from Michelle Webb, Purchasing Specialist, at email: She may be contacted by phone at 516-296-4170.

Questions will be received by 2/12/25 and we will receive price quotes before the RFQ Due Date and Time of 3/5/25 @11 AM

Funding support for this project is provided through a financial grant from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). In accordance with 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 26, participation of Disadvantage Business Enterprises (DBE) in all aspects of this federally funded contract will be encouraged and supported.

Offerors are encouraged to utilize the services of minority and DBE-owned banks, and other financial institutions, when such institutions are available. Information about such institutions owned and controlled by economically and socially disadvantaged individuals can be requested from the Director of Special Projects, Nassau County Office of Minority Affairs, at One West Street, Suite 136, Mineola, NY 11501 offices.
